



  • 在DEFI领域创建创新项目,例如用于交易所,贷款平台或产量耕作应用程序的原型。

  • 确保项目的高质量代码:结构良好,高效,最佳实践,详细的代码注释并没有错误。






fn main() {
public struct RentalPlatform has key {
    // uid of the RentalPlatform object
    id: UID,
    // deposit stored on the rental platform, key is house object id,value is the amount of deposit
    deposit_pool: Table<ID, u64>,
    balance: Balance<SUI>,
    // rental notices on the platform, key is house object id
    notices: Table<ID, RentalNotice>,
    //owner of platform
    owner: address,



fn main() {
//presents Rental platform administrator
public struct Admin has key, store {
	// uid of admin object
	id: UID,


fn main() {
//If the landlord wants to rent out a house, they first need to issue a rental notice
public struct RentalNotice has key,store  {
    // uid of the RentalNotice object
    id: UID,
    // the amount of gas to be paid per month
    monthly_rent: u64,
    // the amount of gas to be deposited 
    deposit: u64,
    // the id of the house object
    house_id: ID,
    // account address of landlord
    landlord: address,


fn main() {
// present a house object
public struct House has key {
    // uid of the house object
    id: UID,
    // The square of the house area
    area: u64,
    // The owner of the house
    owner: address,
    // A set of house photo links
    photo: String,
    // The landlord's description of the house
    description: String


fn main() {
// present a house rentle contract object
public struct Lease has key,store {
    // uid of the Lease object
    id: UID,
    //uid of house object
    house_id: ID,
    // Tenant's account address
    tenant: address,
    // Landlord's account address
    landlord: address,
    // The month plan to rent
    tenancy: u32,
    // The mount of gas already paid
    paid_rent: u64,
    // The mount of gas already paid for deposit
    paid_deposit: u64,


fn main() {
//presents inspection report object.The landlord submits the inspection report, and the administrator reviews the inspection report
public struct Inspection has key,store {
    // uid of the Inspection object
    id: UID,
    //id of the house object
    house_id: ID,
    //id of the lease object
    lease_id: ID,
    //Damage level, from 0 to 3, evaluated by the landlord
    damage: u8,
    //Description of damage details submitted by the landlord
    damage_description: String,
    //Photos of the damaged area submitted by the landlord
    damage_photo: String,
    //Damage level evaluated by administrator
    damage_assessment_ret: u8,
    //Deducting the deposit based on the damage to the house
    deduct_deposit: u64,
    //Used to mark whether the administrator reviews or not
    review_status: u8,


  • 房东发布租房信息

    fn main() {
    //The landlord releases a rental message, creates a rentalnotice object and create a  house object
    public fun post_rental_notice(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, monthly_rent: u64, housing_area: u64, description: vector<u8>, photo: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext): House {
        //caculate deposit by monthly_rent
        let deposit = (monthly_rent * DEPOSIT_PERCENT) / 100;
        let house = House {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            area: housing_area,
            owner: tx_context::sender(ctx),
            photo: string::utf8(photo),
        let rentalnotice = RentalNotice{
            id: object::new(ctx),
            deposit: deposit,
            monthly_rent: monthly_rent,
            house_id: object::uid_to_inner(&house.id),
            landlord: tx_context::sender(ctx),
        table::add<ID, RentalNotice>(&mut platform.notices, object::uid_to_inner(&house.id), rentalnotice);
  • 租客交钱签订租房合同


    fn main() {
    //call pay_rent function,transfer rent coin object  to landlord, deposit will be managed by platform.
    public entry fun pay_rent_and_transfer(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, house_address: address, tenancy: u32,  paid: Coin<SUI>, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        let house_id: ID = object::id_from_address(house_address);
        let (rent_coin, deposit_coin, landlord) = pay_rent(platform, house_id, tenancy, paid, ctx);
        transfer::public_transfer(rent_coin, landlord);
        balance::join(&mut platform.balance, coin::into_balance(deposit_coin));
    //Tenants pay rent and sign rental contracts
    public fun pay_rent(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, house_id: ID, tenancy: u32,  paid: Coin<SUI>, ctx: &mut TxContext): (Coin<SUI>, Coin<SUI>, address) {
        assert!(tenancy > 0, ETenancyIncorrect);
        assert!(table::contains<ID, RentalNotice>(&platform.notices, house_id), EInvalidNotice);
        let notice = table::borrow<ID, RentalNotice>(&platform.notices, house_id);
        assert!(!table::contains<ID, u64>(&platform.deposit_pool, notice.house_id), EInvalidHouse);
        let rent = notice.monthly_rent * (tenancy as u64);
        let total_fee = rent + notice.deposit;
        assert!(total_fee == coin::value(&paid), EInvalidSuiAmount);
        //the deposit is stored by rental platform
        let deposit_coin = coin::split<SUI>(&mut paid, notice.deposit, ctx);
        table::add<ID, u64>(&mut platform.deposit_pool, notice.house_id, notice.deposit);
        //lease is a Immutable object
        let lease = Lease {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            tenant: tx_context::sender(ctx),
            landlord: notice.landlord,
            tenancy: tenancy,
            paid_rent: rent,
            paid_deposit: notice.deposit,
            house_id: notice.house_id,
        //remove notice from platform
        let RentalNotice{id: notice_id, monthly_rent: _, deposit: _, house_id: _, landlord: landlord } = table::remove<ID, RentalNotice>(&mut platform.notices, house_id);
        (paid, deposit_coin, landlord)
  • 房东交房给租客


    fn main() {
    //After the tenant pays the rent, the landlord transfers the house to the tenant
    public entry fun transfer_house_to_tenant(lease: &Lease, house: House) {
        transfer::transfer(house, lease.tenant)
  • 房东验房并提交报告


    fn main() {
    //Rent expires, landlord inspects and submits inspection report
    public entry fun landlord_inspect(lease: &Lease, damage: u8, damage_description: vector<u8>, damage_photo: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        assert!(lease.landlord == tx_context::sender(ctx), ENoPermission);
        assert!(damage >= DAMAGE_LEVEL_0 && damage <= DAMAGE_LEVEL_3, EDamageIncorrect);
        let inspection = Inspection{
            id: object::new(ctx),
            house_id: lease.house_id,
            lease_id: object::uid_to_inner(&lease.id),
            damage: damage,
            damage_description: string::utf8(damage_description),
            damage_photo: string::utf8(damage_photo),
            damage_assessment_ret: DAMAGE_LEVEL_UNKNOWN,
            deduct_deposit: 0,
            review_status: WAITING_FOR_REVIEW
  • 平台管理员审核验房报告并给与房东补偿


    fn main() {
        //The platform administrator reviews the inspection report and deducts the deposit as compensation for the landlord
    public entry fun review_inspection_report(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, lease: &Lease, inspection: &mut Inspection, _: &Admin, damage: u8, ctx: &mut TxContext)  {
        assert!(lease.house_id == inspection.house_id, EWrongParams);
        assert!(inspection.review_status == WAITING_FOR_REVIEW, EInspectionReviewed);
        assert!(table::contains<ID, u64>(&platform.deposit_pool, lease.house_id), EInvalidDeposit);
        let deduct_deposit:u64 = calculate_deduct_deposit(lease.paid_deposit, damage);
        let deposit_amount = table::borrow_mut<ID, u64>(&mut platform.deposit_pool, lease.house_id);
        assert!(deduct_deposit <= balance::value<SUI>(&platform.balance), EInsufficientBalance);
        inspection.damage_assessment_ret = damage;
        inspection.review_status = REVIEWED;
        inspection.deduct_deposit = deduct_deposit;
        if (deduct_deposit > 0) {
            *deposit_amount = *deposit_amount - deduct_deposit; 
            let deduct_coin = coin::take<SUI>(&mut platform.balance, deduct_deposit, ctx);
            transfer_deposit(deduct_coin, lease.landlord)
  • 租客退房并领取剩余押金


fn main() {
//The tenant returns the room to the landlord,collects deposit 
public entry fun tenant_return_house_and_transfer(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, lease: &Lease, house: House, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    let house = tenant_return_house(platform, lease, house, ctx);

    transfer::transfer(house, lease.landlord)
//The tenant returns the room to the landlord and receives the deposit
public fun tenant_return_house(platform: &mut RentalPlatform, lease: &Lease, house: House, ctx: &mut TxContext): House {
    assert!(lease.house_id == object::uid_to_inner(&house.id), EWrongParams);
    assert!(lease.tenant == tx_context::sender(ctx), ENoPermission);
    assert!(table::contains<ID, u64>(&platform.deposit_pool, lease.house_id), EInvalidDeposit);

    let deposit = table::borrow(&platform.deposit_pool, lease.house_id);
    assert!(*deposit <= balance::value<SUI>(&platform.balance), EInsufficientBalance);

    //If there is still any remaining deposit, refund it to the tenant
    if (*deposit > 0) {
        let deposit_coin = coin::take<SUI>(&mut platform.balance, *deposit, ctx);
        transfer_deposit(deposit_coin, tx_context::sender(ctx));

    let _ = table::remove<ID, u64>(&mut platform.deposit_pool, lease.house_id);




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